It’s crazy that this game has been out for over a decade and more people haven’t played it. Check out our retro review for yourself and see if you can get your hands on it.
Hal Laboratory, the minds behind such iconic games the likes of “Kirby’s Dream Land, “The Adventures of Lolo” and even the sleeper classic “Hole in One Golf” have a new baby and although he’s not one you’ll want to take many pictures with, he’s definitely worth bragging about.
Possessing one of the simplest, yet enjoyable gameplay engines on a 3DS game, “Box Boy” recreates the fun of games such as “LocoRoco” and Mushroom 11” adds in an old-school Game Boy platformer feel that’ll take you back to the days of “Super Mario Land” and “A Boy and His Blob.”
As a result, “Box Boy” quickly becomes a game that has a fight on its hands. Old-School gamers will submit to its charm after a level or two, but those pesky kids, who demand high-resolution 3D graphics will find it ugly and too simple. The longer they play, the more the game will cast its spell, as the thinking man’s puzzles are almost impossible not to fall for. The joy you’ll get from hooking or snaking your way through an environment easily make up for some of the graphical shortcomings. The later addition of star blocks adds even more gameplay variety to the mix, allowing the game to totally secure a place in your heart.
Simply put, if you loved a game like “Pushmo,” you’ll quickly find out how “Box Boy,” even with little in terms of visual flavor, creates a world you’ll never feel complacent in.
Although the story lacks the type of charisma to bring you in, the always-changing gameplay elements make the advancing worlds more difficult and full of wonder. They’ll be times when you get stuck as well, but with a nifty “hint” system, which uses your play coins as currency and shows you what action to take next, “Box Boy” is never so difficult that you won’t stop playing.
That, in the end, is its key to success.
It also helps that there’s a ton of content. 17 worlds, plenty of unlockables and a few different modes give Qbby and his pals plenty of things to do and experience.
With its unique gameplay, odes to classic games and enough of its own brand of charm, “Box Boy” is easily in the running for game of the year on the 3DS, even if the graphic feens don’t see the game for what it is.
The Good:
Old-School Feel: One button to create boxes and one button to jump. That’s all you have to do to survive in “Box Boy.” Oh, yeah, and think. Much like Kirby, Lolo and many other adventure games, the answer may be a bit more difficult to find than you think. That’s a big part of Box Boy’s charm.
Black and White: The visual appeal isn’t apparent at first, but after a while “Box Boy” feels like an original Game Boy game from the late ‘80s. Regardless, the small odes to classics the likes of “Pac Man” and Kirby are there, giving the simple-looking game much more charm than you could have ever thought.
Deep Gameplay: Much like “Pushmo,” “Box Boy” may appear simple in gameplay at first, but with so many small additions finding their way into the game as you progress, the experience becomes much more diverse.At the same time, the new moves Box Boy gets as the game goes on always feel natural and intuitive.
Great in Short Bursts: The level structure makes it very easy to jump in and out of the game whenever you please, making “Box Boy” awesome on the go.
Awkward: Game’s like this are a rarity. Although it’s not quite as weird as 2014’s sleeper hit “Marusaki Baby,” it’s one of the most unique games on the 3DS, ever.
The Bad:
Terribly Unsexy Look: You’ll love “Box Boy” because of the way it plays, not because of the way it looks. Simple backgrounds and visuals will entice traditionalists and old-school gamers, but these young tikes with their need for awesome 3D visuals will be sadly disappointed.
Final Thoughts:
Like the smell of your favorite food as a kid, “Box Boy” will remind you of all those fun and weird games you’ve enjoyed over the years. In spite of its meager visuals, it’s able to thrive on the 3DS thanks to awesome gameplay.
The post Box Boy’ Review: ‘LocoRoco’ meets ’Super Mario Land’ appeared first on Old School Gamer Magazine.
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