The 7 Most Unusual Retro Games

Retro games are fun, especially because they have a different feel from the new games we often see in the mainstream media. That’s why, today, we’ll be looking at even more different games – in fact, we’ll be listing the 7 weirdest and most unusual retro games out there. Get ready for a wild ride; some of these games aren’t for the fainthearted!

1. Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom
Maybe you didn’t know that they have royalty in vegetable societies, but in the Salad Kingdom, they do. This odd text adventure was released by Hudson Soft in 1984, and in it, you’ll naturally be playing as Sir Cucumber, who’s on the difficult mission of rescuing Princess Tomato from evil Minister Pumpkin.

After Minister Pumpkin kidnaps Princess Tomato, you see, Kring Broccoli dies of sorrow – but not before he promises the hand of his daughter to you, Sir Cucumber, if you can safely bring her back. 

As for the gameplay itself, this game is very conversation-based. A lot of what you’ll be doing is simply walking around and having really strange interactions with even stranger sentient vegetables.

2. EggOMatic
While this game isn’t technically retro, it features the same classic gameplay of old arcade games with a simple 5×3 grid and just 20 ways to win. Additionally, the art style has a cool 50s feel but with cool animations and crisp graphics. And is it unusual? Very.

EggOMatic takes place in a dysfunctional egg factory where a crazy rooster (the boss of the factory?) creates a plan to produce more eggs than ever before. Spin the wheel with all the funky-looking chickens offering different payouts.

If you want to play this quirky arcade game online, you can do so at Of course, there are thousands of other slots to explore as well – from the wildly popular ones to the obscure and weird ones. Discasino is a Discord casino, meaning you can access it right from the Discord app! 

3. Toilet Trouble
If you used to have a fear of falling down the toilet as a child, this one’s for you.

In this bizarre adventure, you’ll try to save Zak, the protagonist, who has unfortunately slipped and disappeared down the toilet. You need to get Zak out of there, as fast as possible – or he’ll go crazy. This game was released by ZW Spectrum in 1985, and, of course, features the classic retro pixelated style we all know and love.

4. Bad Mojo
In Bad Mojo, you are a cockroach. Yes, you read that correctly! And if you’re already appalled, it’s probably best you don’t read any further. This single-player game was released in 1996 by Pulse Entertainment and has since been called many things – including “one of the grossest games ever made.”

But if being grossed out is your idea of a good time, you’ll want to dive into the bizarre and disgusting adventure that Bad Mojo is. If, however, what you’re looking for is something cute but quirky, you should probably (no, definitely!) skip this one.

5. Mama Llama
Mama Llama is just about as cute and weird as it sounds. This game was created by Jeff Minter,   an English game developer known for his eccentric games, and was released in 1985. In the game, you’ll do your best to protect three llamas from an alien invasion. Although you’ll try to protect all llamas, the game isn’t over unless Mama Llama dies.

Mama Llama is one of those replayable retro titles with a wholesome weirdness that won’t leave you with nightmares (unlike certain other ones on this list.)

6. Wizkid
Wizkid is a side-scroller game from Amiga that dropped in 1992. In this adventure, you’ll transform into a bouncing green ball and defend the Wizworld from the color-sucking enemies who threaten to make the planet lifeless and cold.

You’ll get to upgrade the protagonistic ball by killing enemies and collecting colorful bubbles, and you’ll restore the color of the world by sucking the color out of the dead bodies of your enemies. Why not, am I right?

7.  LSD: Dream Emulator
This very bizarre dream simulator game has definitely earned its spot on this list, as well as on many other lists of the weirdest games ever made. It’s revered for both the unique art and the unique gameplay, where if you touch anything you’re transported to another dimension in a truly bewildering and confusing world of dreams.

Unnerving and weird, this game is great if you’re looking for something truly different. The gameplay can be hard to explain, but, in a nutshell, it’s a playable dream. If you haven’t tried this wonderful nightmare of a game, you should.

The post Blog first appeared on Retromash.

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